
Receiving payment amounts less than expected

Under payments happen when end users do not send enough cryptocurrency to fulfil their payment obligation.

This can happen when the end user has a network fee debited, by their exchange platform, for a greater amount than expected from their payment amount. Additionally the end user may accidentally send less than they intended to (e.g. they intend to send 0.1 ETH but send 0.01 ETH instead). In this case, the payment will still transition to a UNDERPAID status.

How can I see the amount actually received?

On the transactionConfirmedwebhook you can see amount actually received in the paidCurrency.actual field. You can compare this value to the paidCurrency.amount field which shows the expected amount.

Handling underpayments

The recommended way to handle an underpayment for the best customer experience is to adjust the final payment of the end user to match the total lower amount received. This avoids having to return the entire amount of amounts of crypto when it is fractionally less than expected due to fees or rounding errors, and rather crediting the new amount to the end user's account. The total sent amount will be deposited into the MID wallet that was linked to the transaction.

The total amount sent is given in the .actual fields described in the section above, which can then be used to adjust the end users total payment amount on your system, compared in the .amount field.