Creating accounts

Adding your Merchants as part of the whitelabel Payment Services solution


This page is only relevant if you will be using Layer1's Payment Services - our merchant facing crypto checkout experience.

Navigate to accounts

Within the Integrations menu folder, you will see the "Accounts" menu item.

Follow the add account workflow

  • Name - the business name of the account
  • Network whitelist - if you want to restrict platform access for the admin user and the API key of this account enter IP addresses. Else just enter
  • Owner first name & last name - the name of the admin user
  • Owner email address - the username of the admin user, where the invite email will be sent. This user will have all required roles as default.
  • Reference - optional ID for you to use internally for this account


If you are exploring the account portal please use a different email address from the tenant user you've already created. Adding a +1 to your email alias is an easy way of doing this (see below) 👇

Sign up and access Account Portal

Complete the sign up process from the invite email and access the Sandbox Account Portal

Adding additional users

From the Settings menu you can find the "Users" section. Complete the Create a user flow and use the Roles descriptions to guide you in giving appropriate access levels.