Understanding the Conversion Flow
This section describes the lifecycle of a conversion and order on the Layer1 platform, outlining the different statuses a conversion goes through from initiation, when it it first created by API request to a trading venue, to completion where your balances in a currency will be converted to another.
Conversion States
A Conversion will go through a series of statuses in the conversion workflow, with each status denoting a specific process has occurred:
Status | Description | Final state |
PENDING | The conversion request is first created with the pending status | No |
PLACED | The conversion order has been sent to trading venue(s) | No |
COMPLETED | The successfully converted amount will be marked as completed. Any not completed will generate new orders in the placed status. This is a final state | Yes |
PENDING_CANCEL | A cancelled conversion will first transition into a pending cancel state when the cancellation has been requested | No |
CANCELLED | The cancelled orders will be marked as cancelled. This is a final state | Yes |
FAILED | The conversion had no successfully converted amount. This is a final state | Yes |
Order States
An order will go through a series of statuses in the conversion workflow, with each status denoting a specific process has occurred:
Status | Description | Final state |
PENDING | The order created (from the conversion created) will start with the pending status. Order is awaiting submission to the trading venue | No |
PLACED | The order has been submitted to trading venue | No |
COMPLETED | The order is filled. This is a final state | Yes |
FAILED | The order was unsuccessful with no financial impact. This is a final state | Yes |
PENDING_CANCEL | A cancelled order or expired order will first transition into a pending cancel status | No |
CANCELLED | The order has been cancelled with the trading venue. This is a final state | Yes |
Now that you understand the different statuses a conversion and order goes through, you can issue your first conversion either via API or in the Layer1 Portal.
Updated 4 days ago