
Webhook Payload Structure

The webhook notification sends a JSON object containing details about the event. Here is an example payload:

  "event": "layer1:trade:conversion:created",
  "timestamp": null,
  "data": {
    "id": "65a726c7-e56f-4bf0-b65e-7225d8abd9ee",
    "reference": "13963121-6626-4694-8fb8-9557db7b5a04",
    "status": "PENDING",
    "from": {
      "asset": "EUR",
      "amount": 100
    "to": {
      "asset": "LTC",
      "amount": 1.386770212175842462
    "orders": null,
    "router": "VWAP",
    "executor": "MAKER",
    "movements": null,
    "createdAt": null

Field Descriptions

Below is a detailed explanation of each field in the webhook payload:

eventstringIdentifies the type of event, e.g., "layer1:trade:conversion:created".
timestampnullThe time when the event was generated, can be null.
dataobjectContains detailed information about the event.
data.idstringUnique identifier for the conversion event, in GUID format.
data.referencestringA reference identifier linked to the conversion, in GUID format.
data.statusstringCurrent status of the conversion a the time of creation.
data.fromobjectDetails about the currency from which is converted.
data.from.assetstringType of asset being converted from.
data.from.amountnumberAmount of the asset being converted.
data.toobjectDetails about the currency to which is converted. of asset being converted to. of the asset after conversion.
data.ordersnullDetails of any orders involved in the conversion, can be null.
data.routerstringRouting mechanism used for the conversion [VWAP].
data.executorstringExecution type for the conversion [MAKER].
data.movementsnullAny movements related to the conversion, can be null.
data.createdAtnullThe time when the conversion was created, can be null.